Fifty Five Years in Radio

Keith Skues is now a familiar and soothing voice on late night Radio Norfolk. Born of a farming and mining family in Cornwall he came to tell us about his amazing 57 year career in broadcasting. His interest in radio was sparked by his Latin teacher at school in Cheshire. He then opted for training in radio and radar at RAF Compton Basset as a National Serviceman.

Posted to Wilhemshaven but soon transferred to British Forces Network he worked as a 'dogsbody' by day learning the technical side of radio and training as a producer after hours. It was there he acquired the familiar nickname 'Cardboard Shoes'  Further postings followed to Nairobi and Kuwait, coming to an end as the colonies achieved independence. hen, having joined the BBC to experience light radio, a chance meeting with an old school friend led to a  three year spell on Radio Caroline, Radio Luxembourg and Radio London.

From 1967 to 1974 he worked on Radio One as a disc jockey and appeared on numerous  popular radio and television programme, then spending more years in commercial radio in Yorkshire and Sheffield.

A distinguished career as a public relations officer in the RAF at flashpoints in the  Middle East  and Falkland Islands occupied some of the middle years,  He joined BBC East on a one year contract in 1995 to present the late night programme across the region and has been there ever since programme has proved to be the most popular on any station in the UK. Working from home he has an astonishing library of 300,000 records at his disposal.

His Cornish heritage prompted genealogical research,somehow finding time over a 30 year period to trace every member of the Skues family worldwide and write their history. Of especial interest was a group in Mexico where he attended a surname reunion, together with Prince Charles. This very absorbing talk was much enjoyed by all.

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Thursday, 21 April, 2016 - 19:30
Keith Skues