Trading Standards - Norfolk Community Services

In December Stephen Maunder, from Norfolk County Council Trading Standards Department, delivered a very comprehensive and thought provoking talk on the ever growing problem of scams, detailing the many ways criminals use to obtain your trust and money.

We are all familiar with the phone caller telling you that there is a problem with your computer or phone line. Be assured, however, that no outsider can have knowledge of the contents of your device or can effect threats to interfere with it. All they seek is an account or pin number to access your finances. Do not be afraid to terminate the call.

Postal scams often involve a letter informing you that you have won the (nearly) top prize in a glorified lottery which can be yours on payment of a fee, but be sure you will receive nothing. There is even a non-ticket lottery! Catalogue letters likewise may offer you a worthless ‘prize’ in return for an order for pills, chocolate, biscuits etc.

Norfolk has the highest percentage of elderly residents in the country, attracting a correspondingly high proportion of doorstep sellers. They may claim to be from local utilities or the police. Others sell totally unnecessary and probably damaging pressure washing of roofs, or repairs poorly executed at extortionate prices. Displaying a ‘No Cold Callers’ sticker on you door gives you legal protection against persistent visitors.

More traps await you online and it is thought that 96% of emails world-wide are scams. Some websites may look authentic but can lead to a fraudulent outcome. An account purporting to be Amazon is one example. Stephen ended with a plea for us not to be ashamed to share our experience with other people, and we will all be safer. His department is ready to help and hear of new tricks. This was a very valuable guide to the pitfalls of modern living.

At our next meeting on February 15th, after our AGM, Susan Smart will talk about the pupils from Gresham School who went to war but did not return.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ray Jones



Thursday, 7 December, 2017 - 19:30
Stephen Maunder