Inside Tales

We welcomed a lovely, lively lady, Juyna Lewis, to our April meeting. She gave an extremely interesting presentation “Inside Tales” to the 38 members present.

The presentation covered the time she had spent as an Educational Officer in the Norwich Prison. Juyna began by giving a brief history of the formation of the Norwich Prison on Britannia Road and how in the 19th century it had replaced the Castle and the St John’s City Prison. She felt that poverty and lack of family support were the main causes of crimes committed.

Juyna told us how much she had enjoyed her role working with the inmates, aiming to give them a feeling of worth and to help them to develop life skills for when they were discharged. The latest innovation for work experience provided was an opportunity to work in the café, which is open to the general public. This innovation has been successful. We are inviting Juyna to give another talk during 2019.

At our next meeting on June 21st we will welcome Kindra Jones who will give a presentation on Chivalry, Duty and Servitude, the Medieval Knight.

Margaret White


Thursday, 19 April, 2018 - 19:30
Junya Lewis