
Each of these Old Catton Society publications was researched and written by local people.
Copies are available to buy from the Old Catton Society by contacting:

The Old Catton Society
30, Garrick Green
Old Catton
Norwich NR6 7EE

Telephone (01603) 429986

Please make cheques payable to "The Old Catton Society" 

by I M Manning
A History of Old Catton (updated)

A fascinating book tracing the history of Old Catton from Saxon times up until the mid 1980s. It also describes a walk around the village giving historical details of notable properties.

The book is illustrated with pictures and plans.

This book is no longer available in printed form, for a description of the content, and to download a PDF of this book please see here

Price: £0.00
(including postage and packing)
by Maire Booty and George Jeffries
Old Catton In The Twentieth CenturyOld Catton In The Twentieth Century

The story of day to day life in Old Catton from the early 20th century through to the year 2000.  It covers the two world wars as well as school and church developments.

Illustrated with 42 black and white photographs.

Price: £2.50
(including postage and packing)
by The Old Catton Society
Historic Houses of Old Catton

This unique book traces the history of 18 historic houses in Old Catton. It gives a valuable insight into the architecture, the grounds and some notable occupants.

The book is illustrated with pictures and plans.

Price: £2.50
(including postage and packing)